
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Swing, SWT and AWT comparison

SWT Programming with Eclipse

1. Why SWT?

is a cross platform GUI developed by IBM. Why has IBM created another
GUI? Why have not they used existing Java GUI frameworks? To answer
those questions, we need to go back to the early days of Java.

Trail: Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing (The Java™ Tutorials)

Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing

Getting Started with Swing

is a quick start lesson.

First it gives you a bit of background about the JFC

and Swing.

Then it tells you how to compile

and run programs

that use Swing components.

Next, it shows you how to run programs using Java Web Start.

Learning Swing by Example

explains the concepts you need to use Swing

components in building a user interface.

It is built around several progressively complicated examples,

so you'll learn the basics by examining code samples.

Using Swing Components

tells you how to use each of the Swing components —

buttons, tables, text components, and all the rest.

Concurrency in Swing

discusses concurrency as it applies to Swing programming.

Information on the event dispatch thread and the SwingWorker class are


Swing vs SWT... again! ...

Swing vs SWT... again!

O'Reilly -- Java Swing Interview

Why the excitement about Swing? What is Swing?

Java Pro –Eclipse SWT 101

SWT is a portable user interface toolkit meant to provide efficient access to the user interface facilities of the underlying operating system (see Resources). To achieve this portability, SWT provides a Java API that is the same on all platforms.

Help - Eclipse SDK

The Standard Widget Toolkit

The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a widget toolkit for Java developers that provides a portable API and tight integration with the underlying native OS GUI platform.

Java Basics: Swing vs AWT vs SWT vs ...

Java Basics

Swing vs AWT vs SWT vs


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